Lancaster City Council to Discuss Key Ordinances and Community Projects

Lancaster City Council Meeting Agenda - June 3, 2024

  • Date: June 3, 2024

  • Time: 6:00 PM

  • Location: Council Chambers, 308 West Maple Avenue


  1. Review and approval of previous meeting minutes and financial report

  2. Public comment segment

  3. Department reports from police, fire, parks and recreation, maintenance, and EMS departments

  4. Old Business:

    • Second reading of sewer surcharge and tangible rate ordinances

    • First reading of loitering ordinance

  5. New Business:

    • discussion on grass ordinance

    • appointment of new park board chair

    • amendments to the 2023/2024 budget

    • review of building code ordinance

  6. Mayor's Report:

    • Community picnic and sewer extension project

  7. Announcements:

    • Next meeting: July 1, 2024

  8. Motion to pay all signed monthly bills

  9. Motion to dismiss

The Lancaster City Council will address important matters concerning city services, legislative processes, community initiatives, and financial oversight during this upcoming meeting.