Fiscal Court To Meet Monday, Oct. 30 at 4PM

The Garrard County Fiscal Court is set to convene for its next meeting on October 30, 2023, at 4:00 P.M. at 15 Public Square, Lancaster, KY 40444.

Presided over by the esteemed Chris T. Elleman, the Garrard County Judge Executive, the upcoming session promises to be packed, addressing multiple pivotal items on its agenda.

Key Highlights of the Meeting's Agenda:

  1. Public Comments: An opportunity for residents and stakeholders to voice their opinions, concerns, or suggestions.

  2. Old Business: Discussing pending matters and unfinished tasks from previous meetings.

  3. Plats Approval: Review and approval of land maps or diagrams.

  4. Approval Points: The court will be reviewing and giving the nod to the previous month's financial statement, court minutes, transfers, and bills due for payment.

  5. Business Endeavors: A keen look at the new Valvoline Business.

  6. Appointments: Decisions on library and extension office appointments are anticipated.

  7. Updates: Departments will provide updates on their respective areas.

  8. Fund Allocation: Discussion on Roy Walker Davis Rd Fund.

  9. Maintenance: Courthouse maintenance issues and possible solutions will be discussed.

  10. Resolutions: The meeting will cover the County Continuity of Government Resolution and Hwy 52 Bridge Resolution.

  11. Building Matters: Topics related to the EMS Request, Omni/EMS Building, and Across the Road LLC are expected to be broached.

  12. AOC Audit Report: A thorough review of the audit report.

  13. Executive Session: A closed-door session, likely discussing sensitive or confidential matters.

Joining Chris T. Elleman will be the magistrates - Chris Davis, Chris Butner, Glenban Barker, Bobby Preston, and Wayne Day - who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

The Garrard County Fiscal Court Meeting is not just an administrative formality but a testament to transparent and democratic governance at the county level. It's an occasion where key decisions impacting the county's future are made.

Residents are encouraged to attend and participate, ensuring their voices are heard and staying informed about the developments in their community.