First Confirmed Case Of COVID-19 In Garrard County


(Lancaster, KY - April 3,2020 - 9:00PM) - Garrard County Judge Executive John Wilson has confirmed that Garrard County officially has its first confirmed case of COVID-19.

“Folks, I was just now notified that we have had our first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Garrard County. We knew that this day was coming, and we are prepared. We must remain calm,” Wilson said.

“What this means is that the Garrard Health Department, my office, and Garrard County Emergency Management have now moved from a state of proactively preparing for, to actively engaging and dealing with, this situation,” he added.

The process involved for anyone being tested that has a confirmed positive result is this: (1) Garrard Health Department begins their investigation. In regards to the first case in Garrard County, this investigation begins immediately. (2)The investigation entails the determination of whom the individual has come into contact with, where they have been, where they work, etc. (3) Everyone will then be notified that is determined to have been in contact with the confirmed positive individual. They will then be asked to self isolate for a fourteen day period.

“Per Governor Beshear, we are now in the ‘surge’ regarding the Coronavirus spread. Not only are the next couple weeks crucial to us flattening the curve, but the entire month of April is critical,” Wilson said.

Wilson implored all Garrard Countians to continue to adhere to the three initiatives to flatten the curve that we will now be dealing with in our own county - social distancing, increased health care capacity and getting tested.

“Sadly, I feel I must also advise our citizens to please be aware of new scams appearing during this time,” Wilson said. “Do not pay anyone for drive through testing with cash money without verifying their authenticity. Do not provide personal information to people calling and requesting said information, or financial details regarding your stimulus check and your bank account in which you plan to deposit it in. Also, there are people trying to sell medical supplies at outrageous prices while demanding cash, or never delivering if ordered online after paying online.”

Additionally, Wilson said there has been a spike in fake profiles on sites such as Facebook. 

“Please pay no attention to fraudulent social media accounts providing misinformation, or trying to make this moment a political argument by inciting hate, falsity, and personal propaganda,” he said. “We can all agree at how distasteful and disgraceful such scams and actions are.”

With a confirmed case in Garrard County, Wilson is asking all citizens to intensify their efforts to continue to social distance, and remain at home.

“At this time, my family and I are asking that you please join us in our daily prayers, and to be praying for the individual that tested positive this morning in our own community, their family, our county, and everyone being affected by this global pandemic,” Wilson said.

See the press release from the Garrard County Health Department below: