Garrard Central Record

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Lancaster City Council Set to Discuss Important Topics at Upcoming Special Called Meeting

Lancaster, April 9, 2023 - Lancaster City Council has scheduled a special called meeting for Monday, April 10, 2023, at 7:00 PM. The meeting will take place at the Council Chambers, located at 308 West Maple Avenue. Residents are encouraged to attend and participate in this important gathering, which will address a variety of issues that impact the local community.

The meeting will begin with the approval of the minutes from the previous session and the financial report. Following this, citizens will have the opportunity to present on two key topics: Deer Run, a local neighborhood project, and Gear Up, a community initiative aimed at promoting local development and growth.

Members of the public are welcome to share their thoughts and opinions during the public comments section. Department reports from the Police, Fire, Maintenance, and Parks & Recreation departments will follow, providing updates on their respective areas of operation.

Old business items on the agenda include the second reading of the Park Advisory Board proposal, as well as discussions on the Park Advisory Board by-laws and appointments. These items will help shape the future of Lancaster's parks and recreational facilities.

New business items up for discussion include the Animal Ordinance, which addresses regulations surrounding domestic and wild animals in the city, and the review of centrifuge bids for a city project. The council will also examine the Kentucky Transportation Resolution, which could impact local infrastructure and transportation policies.

Mayor Gaffney, Teresa Cheek, and other officials will be present to provide further updates and discuss the ongoing budget process. An executive session will be held at the end of the meeting to discuss property and personnel matters as per KRS 61.810 (1) (B) and (F).

The next scheduled City Council meeting will be on May 1st, 2023. All are encouraged to attend Monday's meeting to ensure their voice is heard on the various issues being discussed.