Respiratory illnesses to watch for in Kentucky


(Lexington, KY.) January 30, 2020   While the new strain of coronavirus that originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan is making headlines, there are many serious respiratory illnesses to watch for right here at home including flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and pneumonia.

Symptoms of these illnesses, such as a cough, runny nose, and fever, might start out as mild, but in the very young, older adults, or people with weakened immune systems, they can develop into a severe illness.

So, how do you protect yourself from these diseases?

Germs that lead to these respiratory illnesses can be spread to others up to 6 feet away through droplets made from coughing or sneezing.

“Avoid contact with those who are sick,” said Dr. Mark Dougherty, who is affiliated with Baptist Health Lexington.  “And avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Also, clean and disinfect surfaces and items that might be contaminated with germs.”

If you think you have a respiratory illness, avoid contact with others, except to seek medical care.

“In an adult, a fever isn’t necessarily a cause for concern unless it reaches 103 degrees or more,” Dougherty said. “But those at risk of complications should visit a clinic or urgent treatment center right away. That includes people 65 years and older, pregnant women, and those with chronic health problems.”

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