Garrard Central Record

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811 Day: A Crucial Reminder to Call Before You Dig

On August 11, we celebrate 811 Day, a reminder of the importance of contacting 811 before undertaking any digging project, whether big or small. This day underscores the critical need to ensure safety by identifying underground utility lines before any shovel hits the ground. The significance of this precaution cannot be overstated, as it helps prevent accidents, service disruptions, and potential legal consequences.

A special recognition is due this year for the utility line locators—the skilled professionals who ensure that underground utility lines are accurately marked before any digging occurs. These men and women play an essential role in maintaining the safety and functionality of utility services by meticulously marking the presence of buried lines.

How Line Locators Do Their Work

When you contact 811 to request a locate, this request, known as the "scope of the ticket," is transmitted to a line locator who then visits your property. The locator's task is to assess the area and determine the best method to accurately identify and mark the underground utilities. They employ various tools and techniques, including transmitting signals through specific frequencies to detect buried facilities. Additionally, locators reference utility maps and records to enhance the accuracy of their work.

Understanding the Markings

Utility locators use a universal color code system to mark the presence of different underground utilities. Each color corresponds to a specific type of utility:
• Red: Electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables
• Yellow: Gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or gaseous materials
• Orange: Communication, alarm or signal lines, cables, or conduit
• Blue: Potable water
• Green: Sewers and drain lines
• Purple: Reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry lines
• Pink: Temporary survey markings
• White: Proposed excavation sites (marked by the person requesting the locate)

Homeowners and contractors are encouraged to "white line" the area where digging will occur. This practice saves time and enhances accuracy by focusing the locator's efforts on the intended excavation site.

Timing and Legal Requirements

After you submit a locate request to 811, the assigned line locator has two business days to mark the underground utilities on your property. These markings are valid for 21 days. If your project exceeds this timeframe, it is necessary to request a remark to ensure continued accuracy and safety.

Failing to wait for a line locator before digging is not only illegal but also extremely dangerous. Striking a utility line can lead to severe injuries or fatalities, hefty fines, and significant repair costs. Moreover, hitting a line could disrupt essential services such as gas, electricity, or communication, potentially leading to broader public safety issues.

Before You Dig: Final Steps

Even after seeing the markings or flags from the line locator, you must wait for a "positive response" from all relevant utilities before beginning your digging project. This confirmation can come through various forms, including visual markers, phone calls, emails, or online notifications, and ensures that all necessary precautions have been taken.

Cost and Additional Responsibilities

The good news is that line locating services are provided at no cost to you. However, it is important to note that not all underground utilities will be marked by Kentucky 811 or Virginia 811. Private lines, such as those leading to pools, sheds, or septic systems, will not be marked by these services. In such cases, it is your responsibility to contact private locators to mark these lines.

Moreover, in areas where Kentucky Utilities (KU) is not a member utility of the 811 service, customers must contact KU directly to request underground electric line locate services.


811 Day is a timely reminder that safety starts with a simple call. Before embarking on any digging project, remember to contact 811 and follow the necessary steps to ensure that underground utilities are properly marked. This small action can prevent accidents, avoid service interruptions, and keep you in compliance with the law. For more information on making a locate request, visit Always know the ground rules, and remember: 811 before you dig.