Garrard Central Record

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Chemical Weapons Convention inspection a success

BLUE GRASS CHEMICAL ACTIVITY, RICHMOND, Ky. – Inspectors from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons conducted the final systematic stockpile verification inspection at the Blue Grass Chemical Activity on August 9.

The OPCW team, escorted by members of the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, verified that no chemical agent munitions remained in storage at BGCA.

The U.S., along with 192 other nation-states, agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpiles and former production facilities, and halt development, use, production and acquisition of chemical weapons. 

The last chemical weapon in storage at BGCA was destroyed at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant on July 7, 2023. The BGCA workforce continues to support the safe storage and delivery of agent-contaminated secondary waste, including drained, containerized rocket warheads, to the BGCAPP. The OPCW will conduct periodic verification activities at the BGCAPP for the destruction of drained, containerized rocket warheads.

More information about the CWC and OPCW may be found at