Garrard Central Record

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USMCA Will Be “A Major Win for Kentucky and All 50 States”

‘Over the past quarter of a century, 12 million U.S. jobs have come to depend on trade with Mexico and Canada. That includes many livelihoods in my home state of Kentucky, from agriculture to manufacturing to aerospace and motor vehicles to our signature industries like distilled spirits. That’s why workers, families, and small businesses in Kentucky and around the nation have been clamoring to get this deal done for a year now.’ 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding USMCA:

‘Before the Senate shifts fully into the trial, we hope to complete an enormous accomplishment for this administration and, most importantly, for American families.

‘It’s now been more than a year since President Trump hammered out the USMCA with the governments of Mexico and Canada. 

‘These two neighbors buy more than $500 billion in American goods and services every year.

‘They buy nearly 30 percent of all the food and agriculture products we export to the entire world. And for 90 percent of our manufacturing sectors, Mexico or Canada rank as the number-one or number-two export destination.

‘Over the past quarter of a century, 12 million U.S. jobs have come to depend on trade with Mexico and Canada. That includes many livelihoods in my home state of Kentucky, from agriculture to manufacturing to aerospace and motor vehicles to our signature industries like distilled spirits.

‘That’s why workers, families, and small businesses in Kentucky and around the nation have been clamoring to get this deal done for a year now. And in addition to all the American livelihoods that this commerce already supports, experts predict the USMCA will create 176,000 new jobs as well.

‘So, on behalf of all these Americans, we were troubled to see Speaker Pelosi slow-walk this agreement for the better part of a year. But finally, late last year, the overwhelming bipartisan pressure to move forward made an impact on the House. So we are finally on the threshold of approving this agreement and sending it to President Trump’s desk to become law.

‘Our colleagues on the Finance Committee have already approved it by an overwhelming margin. Our other committees of jurisdiction are wrapping up their own consideration as we speak. And very soon, we hope the Senate will be able to vote on the floor and put this landmark accomplishment on the president’s desk.

‘A major win for Kentucky and all 50 states. A major win for our country. A major win for the Trump administration. A major win for those of us who are ready to move past this season of toxic political noise and get back to doing even more of the American people’s business.’