Garrard Central Record

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City Council Upcoming Meeting Monday, Sept. 9

The Lancaster City Council will convene for its regular meeting on September 9, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers located at 308 West Maple Avenue. 

Mayor Michael Gaffney, along with City Clerk Teresa Cheek and City Attorney Jonathan Baker, will be joined by council members to discuss several important items affecting the community.

The meeting will begin with the approval of minutes and the financial report, followed by citizen presentations, including a feature from the Glory Days Car Club. A public comment session is also scheduled, where local resident Jenny Lynn Whitaker of the Co-op Parish will present.

Several department reports are slated to cover updates on public safety, including police and fire services, as well as maintenance and parks and recreation initiatives. Notably, the council will revisit ongoing discussions on cannabis legislation, a topic that continues to draw community attention.

New business on the agenda includes resolutions involving the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, the adoption of an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) plan for 2024, and an interlocal agreement dealing the the RGL Regional Industrial Authority consisting of Rockcastle, Garrard and Lincoln County. 

Additionally, decisions regarding Halloween festivities and board appointments will be made.

Mayor Gaffney will also provide a report with updates on the Heritage Festival and the Three Forks project. The meeting is expected to conclude with a motion to pay signed monthly bills and an executive session.

The public is encouraged to attend and participate, ensuring that their voices are heard on these critical community issues. The next council meeting following Monday’s is scheduled for October 7, 2024.