Garrard Central Record

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Council Appoints McCulley To Parks Board

Correction: In an article that ran in this week’s print edition, it incorrectly stated that Jim McCulley was appointed as the new parks director, however Parks Director Chris Penix did not step down from his role as director but only his role on the board. McCulley will be filling Penix’ position on the board, not as director of the program. The article below has been corrected.

During the Lancaster City Council meeting on Tuesday, August 22, the council appointed Jimmy McCulley to the Lancaster Parks & Recreation Board.

Chris Penix, who was recently named parks director, stepped down from his role on the board following his appointment as director, leaving space for someone fill his place. 

Mayor Michael Gaffney said that a decision was reached through conversations with Councilman Brandon McGlone and other community members.

The suggestion was made that the position should be filled by someone who is part of the community but doesn’t have children currently enrolled in the program. This led to the nomination of Jim McCulley, who has experience in coaching various sports.

McCulley’s qualifications made him an attractive candidate for the position. He has experience in coaching golf and has previously coached basketball, showing his deep understanding of sports. Although he doesn’t have a child in the program, he was recognized as a potential asset for growing it.

The nomination was presented without any apparent opposition, highlighting McCulley’s strong community reputation. 

“He’s a great person, he’s done a great work,” McGlone said. 

The motion to appoint McCulley was made and seconded, and the vote was unanimously in favor. No objections were raised, and the motion was carried.

Jim McCulley’s appointment comes as a significant move for the Lancaster City Council, reflecting their continued commitment to community involvement and excellence in their sports programs. 

The council’s decision to look outside of immediate program participants for leadership demonstrates a broader vision for the development and expansion of community sports activities. 

McCulley’s background in education and coaching is expected to bring fresh insights and new directions to the program as he takes over his new role on the board.