Garrard Central Record

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Garrard County Fiscal Court Meeting Agenda Released

Lancaster, KY - The Garrard County Fiscal Court has announced its agenda for its upcoming meeting, set to be held on Monday, March 13th at 6:00 P.M. The meeting will take place at the Public Square, Lancaster.

The meeting is open to the public, and all interested parties are encouraged to attend.

The agenda for the meeting will include a public comment session, during which members of the public will be allowed to address the Court on any relevant issues. The Court will also discuss old business matters and vote on the approval of the court minutes, transfers, bills to be paid, and last month's financial statement.

The Garrard County Conservation District's 2023-2024 Budget and Plan of Work will be presented for approval. Additionally, the Court will receive an update on storm damage and discuss the EMS building update.

The Court will also discuss the Hazard Mitigation Plan, a comprehensive strategy for reducing the risks posed by natural disasters in the area. Furthermore, the Court will provide an update on the opioid litigation case, which has been ongoing for some time now.

Finally, an executive session will be held, during which the Court will discuss sensitive legal matters and other confidential information.