Garrard Central Record

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Fiscal Court Meets Tonight At 6pm

The Garrard County Fiscal Court will hold their regular monthly meeting tonight at 6pm at the Garrard County Courthouse on the public square. Topics of discussion for the evening’s meeting include:

  • Public comments

  • Old business

  • Plats

  • Approve last month’s court minutes

  • Approve transfers

  • Approve bills to be paid

  • Approve last month’s Financial Statement

  • Owsley House

  • Road Agreement & Road Resolution

  • Surplus old Animal Shelter van

  • Receive petition for Doolin Way & Set public hearing date

  • 911 Inter-local Agreement

  • A.J. Stacy , Tanyard Branch Rd lot variance for mobile home

  • Approve Jail Budget

  • Executive Session

A copy of the full agenda can be downloaded viewed below: